'We believe in new' is about life and the things we think at The Open Consultancy.


Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Consumer vs Self!

Isn't it interesting, the nature of extremes?!

Normal is boring as we all know, but we accept normal things more easily. So in turn extremes are now promoted more readily as a defining characteristic of something we accept, which then makes extremes normal. Following this?

So here we are, all normal and happy by our extremes. But creating this polarized world means fractures for the common ground as our opinions become naturally divided: Fast convenient life vs. slow natural living, buy local produce vs. world flavours, travel to experience new cultures vs. don't increase your carbon footprint, read books to embrace literature vs. don't print, enjoy good food vs. strive for size zero ... you get the gist.

As an illustration of this world of contradictions think about drinking water. At the sametime New York City is advertising the benefits of drinking tap water to its residents, the fashion media is encouraging its readers to wash their hair in Tasmanian Natural Rain Water (So pure its never touched the ground!).

The interesting thing about these extremes is that they're not split by generation gaps, or affluence, or social persuasion, but they can all exist within the individual. But don't things feel out of sync? In some ways there seems a natural balance of things that will play out as we realise our 'normal' lives can't meet all our expectations, or will we simply come to accept our contradictions as the norm?

Either way, global culture has a way of fluxing through states of harmony and conflict, the challenge is recognizing the difference between the two.

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