'We believe in new' is about life and the things we think at The Open Consultancy.


Tuesday, 16 December 2008


Berlin's been pretty high on the map for street culture and urban edge for a few years. The Mitte district has come along way and serves up it special blend graff'd up stores and indy boutique cafes.

Great vibe to the place and if Mitte isn't your bag, there's enough Gluwein everywhere else to keep you happy!

Saturday, 22 November 2008


KP reports back from excursions in Euroclubbing:

35'000 something Euro clubbers, a whole lot of DJ's and some music they like to call Techno??


.... Those Belgium folk know how to bost out their 'Washing Moves', my shapes where wasted!!


Nokia trend labs : Chill out rooms, looooads of cool stuff happing thanks to these guys!


Monday, 17 November 2008

Say hello to Loz

We welcome Loz into the Open family bringing his detailed eye into the creative department.

A supreme being of immense knowledge and capability & a geek extraordinaire - Loz comes to us with a raft of design, illustration and technical expertise.

He's not unknown to turn up to work on his BMX, loves his music and occasionally cross dresses.

Welcome Loz!

Something for the weekend sir?

Happy the man who can spend a weekend in the countryside
accompanied by a few of his closest chums in suitably rural attire.
Having just spent a weekend doing just that to mark the occasion of
the imminent marriage of one of my best mates it's occurred to me
what a simple pleasure it is to return to wearing 'proper' clothes
rather than the usual agency uniform on jeans, trainers and T-shirt.

And it wasn't just an aesthetic thing either. The funny thing is
simply donning a flat cap, a pair of brogues and a Barbour jacket
really did seem to add a reassuring gravity to my general
demeanour. You should try it sometime. As Stephen Fry once pointed
out: the thing is to have a larynx made entirely of tweed and you
can get away with anything.


(Photo by Leo Cackett)

Friday, 14 November 2008

For the love of Brussels!!

Worcester is a weird and quirky place. Just see the latest happening - Sproutmania!

If you find yourself in the vacinity, checkout the festival for the love of the humble Sprout being held in downtown Worcester today and tomorrow.

Random for sure.

Thursday, 13 November 2008

The new rules of brand development!

Uh oh, it's a think piece, good for bedtime reading!

We're always working on challenging the rules and existing ways brands are positioned and communicated.

Two areas we're really hot on that are crucial in managing lifestyle brands are worth sharing.

1. Alternative sector behavioural positioning


2. Polarised personality positioning

We've all been in the brainstorm where the facilitator says "If we were a car, what car would we be?", or "If we were a celebrity, who would we be?".

Whilst the exercise is a sensible approach, it tends to fall down because practical minds will find flaws in the direct comparisons.

So, the way we see it, is this:

Alternative sector behavioural positioning.

Basically, consumers will view your brand in context to their lifestyle and how it fits into their self image, social context and product usage role. Naturally they'll have a load of other brands that do their respective roles in other facets of their lives and each will have its characteristic behaviors.

And there lies the trap - brands fall into the routine of conforming to the way they believe consumers want them to behave - a whisky brand is always like a whisky brand, a phone brand like a phone brand...

Naturally leading brands set the standard to which the competition tend to mimmic, but it's a short lived strategy.

We're finding a powerful way to gain edge for a brand is to define brand characteristics from other sectors in the consumers lifestyle. So a drinks brand can behave like a fashion or editorial brand, a fashion brand can behave like a music brand, a car brand like a leisure destination and so on.

It works because it inspires and disarms the consumer. They believe the brand is cool because it represents things they love, but they believe it is cutting edge because it's not what they'd expect from the type of product.

Secondly, Polarised personality positioning.

Generally brand values are aligned between a faux persona of the brand as set within an aspirational marketing context and a reflection of the consumers' own values.

However, think about a celebrity you admire with a strong personality. Often they characterize behaviors, opinions and attitudes that we would like to have ourselves and voice but maybe lack the confidence or articulation to share them.

In short, they're not bland, average and well rounded, they're opinionated, dynamic and self assured.

So when we define a brand's personality we look to polarise it's characteristics against a good understanding of what the consumer is likely to be most receptive to.

We achieve this from an extensive matrix of characteristic attributes that we use to find the extremes (e.g. Aggressive or Passive, Tense or Relaxed, Conservative or Liberal).

The reason this approach works so well is that consumers today want marketing - Yes they do!

As consumers are so brand and marketing literate and their media/ experiences converge, they expect the role of good brands to provide a source of entertainment and want them to be exciting, informing and impressive.

So the rules have changed and brands need to get in step to stay in favour - makes life interesting doesn't it?

The Sky is not the limit

Boring Sky HD experience

Paddington Station today. Not good.

One sofa, one big screen with a looped beach scene, a wall and a floor and... err... nope that was it.

Aside from the pretty drab sales bods asking if I have Sky?

Me - Yes I do....
Him - Do you have Sky HD?
Me - Nope, I've thought about it, but there aren't many channels...
Him - No there aren't yet really
The end.

Honestly, marketing this bad, makes me mad! For sure it'll get seen, but what a wasted opportunity.

As you can see from the pic, the only guy on the stand is blatantly from agency (spot the tell tale Apple and the messy hair/ trainers combo), but would you want to go and sit there with everyone watching you while someone gets you to provide your financial details?!

Where's the casual walk up/ or thru stand to experience how amazing your TV could be, or remotes for you to choose what you want to demo on screen, or the welcoming staff offering you into their Sky Home for a cuppa to watch TV?

It's Nil Pt from the Scandinavian judges I'm afraid!

Thursday, 30 October 2008

Inspiring culture

Clever bloke that Mr Z.

Not sure if you caught the Imagine documentary on the beeb the other night, but he said something on film that is very close to our hearts:

"We do more than make music, we inspire culture"

"....In order to inspire culture you gotta know whats going on within it"

Couldn't agree more - and that's how we roll baby.

Tuesday, 21 October 2008


We've been exploring the psychology behind nostalgia recently, looking at how experiences and memory form bonds in our motivation and emotional states and ultimately create a desire to advocate the source of our nostalgia and promote it to others.

One good example of this advocacy is the desire to protect or preserve our memories in their positive states and this translates into a physical preservation of the tangible elements that represent the nostalgia. Or in other terms - we hold dear the things we love!

Last night we got along to the Birmingham Academy to see Vampire Weekend. For those that remember, the Academy before it was signed up by Carling was The Hummingbird and it was at The Hummingbird that I crowd surfed and stage dived to Nirvana on their first UK tour.

So as they announce the closure of the Academy to move to a bigger, better venue, I'll be missing the sweat box summer night when the Kings of Leon played, a floor sticky enough to separate your trainer from your sock and a dodgy sound system.

In my mind a little bit of my life lives on in the venue with the memories still vivid when I step inside. All of this just serves to reinforce the value of what we do here at Open, creating good times and great memories and ultimately providing people with nostalgia.

Monday, 20 October 2008

Oh I say!

There is no good reason why folks here do what they do... And when Loz decided to test drive this season's latest Jagerwear - hmmm, well I say!

In response to this, KP got her face on!

Friday, 10 October 2008

Sir Ranulph Fiennes

Normally a trip to Worcester Cathedral would probably be a bit sedate for us at Open.

But the opportunity to hear Sir Ranulph speak about his life's pursuits last night was too much to pass up and the backdrop of the cathedral was awesome.

He didn't fail to deliver either, recounting his massive adventures from transglobal adventures, to run ins with polar bears and running the Land Rover 7x7x7. That's 7 marathons in 7 days, on 7 continents!!! And this was 3 months after a massive heart attack and a double heart bypass!

The man is a legend and living proof of human spirit and the will to overcome anything you need to achieve your goals - an inspiring individual - Sir Ranulph we salute you!

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Concrete & Glass

We got along to Concrete & Glass in Shoreditch last Thursday.

Billed as a two night fusion of cutting edge art expos and live music held across loads of east end venues, to sounded awesome.

It wasn't. Well not really anyhow, there were pockets of good stuff, but it did come off as being something appreciated by the Hoxton cardigan clones that probably see the event as a good community gig rather than the mass arts expo it set out to be.

But still, at least it happened, so kudos for the effort, but maybe there's a bigger opportunity here to do some stuff that actually innovates experiences across an urban landscape rather than jamming together average parties.

Still the pictures are nice aren't they - nice one KP!

Sunday, 21 September 2008

Hacker caught in the act!

Here is our newest junior designer.

Etien is already finding his way around a Mac, surfing kneebouncers.com and occasionally blogging.

They grow up so fast...

For messing about on the river

It was only a matter of time really... Being perched on the river bank means you need an alternative mode of transport sometimes, so we now have ourselves a boat!

So here is she is, our little development project. And how weird and wonderful a project to have! Moored right outside our office in Worcester.

The little tub was created as a concept prototype by the Ministry of Defence in the early 1970's, so it's completely unique and one off - just like us.

We're going to get busy pimping it out now, so the next time you see it, it'll be a whole different gig. Much like the ferry shown below that G-Star groomed, we're going back to its military roots with battleship grey and some hardcore interior.

That said, we're also thinking LED lighting and a Bose sound system, so it'll have the necessary creature comforts.

Come next summer, it'll be all ready with WiFi for working and brainstorming on the river.

More news as things develop.

Friday, 19 September 2008

New Designers

The New Designers exhibition was held in Shoreditch as part of Design Week this week.

Above is a few of the interesting things we came across...

A trip to The Future Laboratory

We met up with Chris Sanderson, the Strategy Director at The Future Laboratory recently.

We're very much hoping to collaborate with them soon. They have an excellent progressive model for global brand research, coolhunting, trendwatching and seeing into future cultural behaviours.

As you can see from the pic, we thought it was also pretty funny that the 'Future Lab', would have an old black Lab lazing around their offices.

Good work!

Say hello to Ginny!

We are very very pleased to announce Ginny joining the team!

She's come to us from the global brand design agency Boxer where she was a Senior Creative working on big brand campaigns for the likes of McDonald's and InBev.

She joins Open as an Art Director, bringing her own 'special blend' of design integrity and expansive creative thinking.

Aside from being a big thinker she has a dog called India, is a total travel junky, loves culture, music, skiing, the occasional drinky poo and has the wildest collection of Car Boot tat to clutter up her lovely world.

Welcome Ginny!

Open House!

At last - we're in.

We've moved our Worcester base to allow for the folks that keep joining Open.

We're perched in between a canal basin and a marina just one lock away from the River.

We've got the whole building which is a recently converted listed boathouse.

This place really is Worcester's little hidden secret and with a new gym opposite and pub next door, we've got all important amenities close at hand.

If you look at the pics carefully, you'll see Nick hanging out! It's like 'Where's Wally' for Creative Directors.

We love Clerkenwell

Thought it was about time to show where we call home in the smoke!

So here's the place in all its glory. Beautifully formed from a converted warehouse studio and located literally seconds from Farringdon Tube.

Drop in for a coffee sometime.

Designer Glass Competition Award night

We got a long to the Bombay Sapphire organised Designer Glass Awards the other night.

It was held at The Village Underground venue in Shoreditch which made for a great urban location to set the event off.

Aside from seeing the beautiful finalist pieces on show from a range of young and very talented international glass designers, we were also very pleased to be in the company of Tom Collins!

A lovely evening.