'We believe in new' is about life and the things we think at The Open Consultancy.


Monday, 17 November 2008

Something for the weekend sir?

Happy the man who can spend a weekend in the countryside
accompanied by a few of his closest chums in suitably rural attire.
Having just spent a weekend doing just that to mark the occasion of
the imminent marriage of one of my best mates it's occurred to me
what a simple pleasure it is to return to wearing 'proper' clothes
rather than the usual agency uniform on jeans, trainers and T-shirt.

And it wasn't just an aesthetic thing either. The funny thing is
simply donning a flat cap, a pair of brogues and a Barbour jacket
really did seem to add a reassuring gravity to my general
demeanour. You should try it sometime. As Stephen Fry once pointed
out: the thing is to have a larynx made entirely of tweed and you
can get away with anything.


(Photo by Leo Cackett)

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