What's with the high street these days? Apathetic sales consultants and pushy charity reps pacing the pavements outside. And the warm and fuzzy 'in between'? It's probably been eaten by the pigeons. Nothing's grabbing me right now. If I could; I'd get everything online, where I can design my own trainers, make my own card and add all those little personal touches that turn a purchase into a treasured possession. Trouble is, my derriere forbids net shopping for bottoms. Humbug.
I'm in search of the holy grail in jeanswear. OK, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration. Just a pair of jeans that fit and look pretty damn cool would be nice. Perfectly achievable, if you have all the time in the world that is, to shop. Big sigh. This is depressing stuff!
I know what I want and it's not just about the jeans. I'm not after just a pair of blue denims. I want something to wear so I can be me, not a catalogue clone. And let's face it, there's nothing worse than that 'sick to the pit of my stomach feeling' when, in the corner of your eye, you catch a glimpse of someone wearing the same thing as you.
I'd like to be able to walk into a shop and get a friendly but natural reception. They ask me what I'm looking for, but they're not in my face. They take my bags and put them behind the counter. They know which brands I like straightaway without asking much. They know what will fit and suit me best. They even guess my size...right. I get to chose the colour, the buttons, the stitches and all the little design bits. And if the jeans are too long, they take them up that very day and drop them into my office. Think Rigby & Peller for the modern age. There's a lot to be said for Saatchi's Carlsberg ideals. If Open were a jeans shop, I reckon it'd be just like this. And if it was, I'd be in there every week!