'We believe in new' is about life and the things we think at The Open Consultancy.


Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Life is what happens while planning for other things

Agency planning has always been a contentious subject. Research and rigour vs. insight and instinct.

There was an article in this week's Campaign with various industry big heads (ie. thinkers I guess), each seemingly following the same line - The days of brand death by analysis are over and planning should be a fluid evolving process.

About time too! Though it does seem like rather than this being the genuine belief of planners united, it is just the pop trend in the Ad shops at the moment.

Our perspective on this has always been to start with the point of inspiration in communications planning, not research on consumer behaviour.

By understanding humour, curiosity, imagination and all of the prompts that lend themselves to gauging consumer interest in an idea or entertainment piece we'll build a stronger connection, inspiring a consumer around an idea and their positive brand behaviour change will be the reward.

The focus group is dead long live inspiration!

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