'We believe in new' is about life and the things we think at The Open Consultancy.


Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Opinion form vs. function

So whilst here we like to think of ourselves as an insightful group of minds we also look to opinion leaders for our inspiration. But what, we asked ourselves as we pondered on consumer trends and culture the other day, makes them such a voice of authority?

Is it that one of their observations was latched onto by another? Is that what makes an opinion former? Being an opinion giver?

Those trendpreneurs who are leading the way, include the likes of Alexa Chung or E4’s crazy haired BBLB presenter Zeze Ifore, known as much for her colourful attire as she is for her informed opinion on the show. Look to Web 2.0 and see them all craving for their own bit of the spotlight. All flying the flag as ambassadors of generation me, seeing what else they can cram into their already overflowing talent portfolio.

These are Young British Artists, DJs, Designers, Illustrators, Writers, Musicians at their fresh, self professed best. But that is what makes them the leaders in their world; they are keen, eager and fabulous self-publicists. And want what we are always striving to be; the latest in cool.

Sometimes the trend sites that we plough for all things new just don’t cut the biscuit so that’s when we go it alone and prove to ourselves, like the bloggers, Beboers, and Myspacers out there, that with a bit of knowledge, beady eyes to observe, open ears to listen and the precious time to stop and think.

We all have the capacity to have an opinion, so why not run with it and form?

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