'We believe in new' is about life and the things we think at The Open Consultancy.


Thursday, 14 February 2008

Helter Skelters in Barcelona

A reminder that copying innovative ideas is not innovation!

We were in Barcelona recently and came across some nice street advertising annoncing a 'pop up' store opening for 4 days only by Lee Jeans. Now the idea of pop up stores is an exciting one, people like Comme de Garçon and SAB Miller's Peroni beer using the concept well to innovate their brands.

Thing is you see, in both those cases, the idea was clever. Peroni made a spoof store/ gallery on Sloane Square and CdG used an industrial space in Camden. Each was a positioning statement for the brand and played on different social/ cultural juxtapositions.

Unfortunately the Lee store that opened, was, well just that actually, a little store. Moreover it was in the Born district well known for boutique clothes stores.

So as the media types responsible hung round outside taking pics of their creation, you couldn't help but feel that it was a job half done.

That said, the wallpaper was nice and clothes weren't bad either. However if they had built an homage to gaudi, created as a helter skelter with the small store pirched at the top of the staircase/ slide and dropped it in the middle of a park... well it may have been something a little more special.

It highlighted to us that whilst ideas may sound innovative around the meeting table, if they're already out there being done, then you need to reconsider the impact and originality of your concept, especially when your target
consumers are fashion oriented opinion formers.

If you are interested in finding out more about Open's line in architecturally inspired fairground attractions, please do get in touch.

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