'We believe in new' is about life and the things we think at The Open Consultancy.


Thursday, 7 February 2008

Nuts (click this title)

We're recruiting a number of new roles here at Open!

We're looking for folks that'll fit in well, so you need nuts in both the sense of brass kahunas that'll see you take us on our valiant way to become the best experiential and creative agency in the UK.

And it'll probably help if you're ever so slightly mentally unhinged.

So if you're an Art Director/ Creative, Account Handler, Business Development Executive, Designer or someone who just wants to make a difference to our world, drop us your CV or Portfolio to hannah@theopenconsultancy.com

In the meantime, click the link in the title to see a squirrel take on a penguin in 'banjo off'. Burt Reynolds we love you.

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