'We believe in new' is about life and the things we think at The Open Consultancy.


Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Neophilia : a love for things new.

Last week we got along to trends co PSFK's 2009's Good Ideas Salon in London.

Some interesting multi-disciplined designers, Troika with their ‘Cloud’ installation, currently being showcased at Heathrow's Terminal 5 and brand new concepts to storytelling from Punch Drunk engaging experiences.

And on a less positive note, A slow afternoon, with not many aspiring views coming out of it. The day needed less chattering around subjects with more clear points being made.

The day was stirring but unfortunately not outstanding, although what made it a success was the inspirational mix of content - Good Ideas Salon did have a number of engaging speakers, and the balance between designers and experts in their field was just right.

We definitely took away an interesting outlook on world trends but as we already have active absorbent minds here, we're not sure if sitting inside the ‘Good Ideas Salons’ four walls inspired us enough.

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